Tuesday 2 June 2015

LEJOG Day 1; Land's End to Tiverton

Yesterday's train travel went well, and I arrived in Penzance at 17.30 in the evening, having managed a few hours sleep on the train.  Thankfully a kind man who was booked in to the seat next to me didn't mind moving seats when he got on when I explained I was post-nights and trying to sleep!  Susie, the owner of the hostel I was staying in near Land's End had very sensibly suggested getting a taxi from the station with my bike.  What a good idea, especially as i would have been riding in a strong head wind and heavy rain otherwise, phew!!

The hostel was great, and after a large portion (well 2 portions) of lasagne, I sorted my stuff and got an early night, ready for an early start.

Alarm at 05.20, I left the hostel at 6am this morning (well it's unlikely I'd have slept much longer anyway after nights...) and biked the short distance to Land's End.  Obligatory photo of bike and self next to sign, then the day began.  It was still raining, and still windy, but fortunately there it was a south westerly and it blew me in the right direction all day.  It seemed to help when my legs felt tired on a hill and gusted especially hard to help me.

The first 98miles of my journey took me along the A30.  Initially this is narrow and winding until Penzance.  I'd decided on an early start so that I could get this bit out of the way before morning traffic and was glad of it, only seeing 3 cars in the first 10 miles.  After Penzance the A30 becomes dual carriageway and stays like this most of the way to Exeter.  For this reason most people avoid it when doing LEJOG, but my schedule meant it was the quickest way to get out of Cornwall and make a headway into my mileage.  For the most part it was ok, although there were a few hair raising moments when lorries were just too close!!  I mean really, there's two lanes, just pull out ffs!!

After a quick toilet and coffee stop before Bodmin, at 45 miles, I kept riding again until Okehampton ( except for a quick pause to eat lemon curd sandwiches in a layby; yum!!). I turned off the A30 at this point, much to my relief and found a nice cafe for some lunch.  98miles under my belt, and before 1 o'clock too!  My early start had paid off!  At this point I re-evaluated my route; quite simply I couldn't face any more time on the A30!.  Instead I headed north, then East on B roads into Crediton, then up to Tiverton.

Up until Okehampton my legs had been feeling great, and I'd been speeding along at 17mph (with a little bit of help from the wind).  After Okehampton I slowed down.  Partly I wasn't in a rush as I couldn't arrive at my B&B before 4, but also the hills!!!  Between Crediton and Tiverton there are some stinkers!!!  Maybe at the start of the day they would have been ok, but after 120 miles, I span my legs slowly up them.  Fortunately it had stopped raining at Okehamptom so these last 2 hours were much more enjoyable.  I stopped to wee in a field at one point, then the farmer pulled up!!  I told him he'd almost caught me in the act, to which he replied 'that's ok, I'm going in the field opposite first; you've got ten minutes'.  Made me chuckle anyway...

I was relieved to arrive at my B&B early to find the owner here, so checked in, and cleaned the dirt away.  What a warm welcome I've had!  My kit is hanging up to dry, I'm rehydrated, well-fed ( on M&s ready meals) and have even managed a G&T ( again M&S, in a can; what a good idea!!)

Now I'm tucked up in bed, looking out over the rolling hills from my window.

Today's stats according to my garmin:
Distance: 127.29 miles
Ride time: 7hr55mins
Ascent: 1738m (not sure how correct this is)

I'll upload to Strava when I get access to a computer, or back to Sheffield if not before.  Until then, good night from me!  Photos will also follow once I'm not just on my iPhone as I'm not technologically minded enough to be able to update straight onto here.

Oh yes, a reminder that I'm doing this to raise money for Orchid, a male cancer charity.  If you want to sponsor me for my suffering you can at www.virginmoneygiving.com/nikkisommers thank you to everyone who has already sponsored me!

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